Blessings and Ministry in Mexico by Gianna

Hello! I know it has been a long time since I’ve written a post, so today I will be sharing about our time in Mexico so far.

The weather here is very nice, cold in the mornings, but it heats up a bit in the day. It is a very nice change from the swampy, hot Louisiana. Plus, there are close to no Mosquitos here. That is a very big blessing.

One of the things me and my friends enjoy doing in our free time is going to the cement slides. The cement slides are big and sanded down so that you get a smooth ride. We enjoy going down on our sweatshirts, which makes us go very fast. One time, we even took a sleeping bag to the slides, which was beyond fast.

I must say, one very cool part of this mission trip so far has been is visiting the Ranchos. The Ranchos are where the very poor people in General Cepeda live. Most Ranchos have a chapel, so when we arrive there, we ring the bell to let the people know that the missionaries are here. Then, some people start arriving and we start with a couple of Spanish praise songs. Then, a few elected Missionaries give their testimonies (an encounter with God in their life), which, at the end. we open up for the Mexican people to do too.

One woman shared an awesome story of how God healed her son. Others share how even when life was difficult for them, God still provided for them. At the end, we pray over the people who need prayers, such as prayers for sickness, pain, or for their struggles.

One time, we even got to play soccer with some of the Mexican kids there. It was very fun. Soccer is one of the easiest games to play when you don’t know any Spanish, because you don’t have to talk. After we played soccer, Carson shared with the kids a testimony about hearing the voice of God. Then, we asked the children questions about God, and any time they got one right, they were awarded a piece of candy.

The mission house we are staying in is very cool. It is over 400 years old, older than the U.S.A. It is very big, and one of the cool parts is that one of the Presidents of Mexico used to live in this house. Apparently, under the house used to be a tunnel, big enough to fit two men on horseback. It was used as an escape route for the President, but has long since been sealed off. If you were to look closely at some parts of the floor here, you could see where it caves it from the tunnel. It is amazing!

Lots of poor people come to the door to get medicine, food, or sell their homemade goods. When they come, it is a good opportunity to give them business by buying their pecans, candy, nuts or whatever they are selling. This is better than just handing out money to everyone.

Thank you so much for your patience from waiting for another update, and I hope to write again soon.

God bless y’all,


Me and friends going down the concrete slides

Some of us at youth group (we made crowns for Christ the King)

A friend giving her testimony at the Ranchos

Me and my family after hiking a big mountain

Me hitting the sense out of a horse-Pinata

Us playing soccer with kids at the Ranchos

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