A Trip to Puerto Rico by Autumn

Recently, I had the privilege to go on a two week mission trip to Puerto Rico with my family. While we were there we got to do a bunch of cool projects that we hope benefited those around us. Here are some pictures from the trip, and I'll go into details in the captions :)

This is a picture of us and some of the missionary kids that we were staying with (we were on a hike).

This is the Church (San Francisco de Asis) where we went to Mass (in Spanish)

I really liked doing praise and worship in the evenings

These top two are pictures of us singing and handing out Easter crosses to some people on the streets

This is the finished product of my favorite project that we did. There was a wall in a neighborhood close to where we were staying, and it was all covered in graffiti. So, we designed and painted this mural in the traditional Puerto Rican style of geometric shapes. We added a heart in the middle to symbolize love since the landlord didn't want us to write, "Jesus te ama"(Jesus loves you)

Well, that's all for today! I hope that this post inspires you in some way to show the love of Christ to those around you. 


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