Foreign Missions or Bust! by Cameron

We first felt our call to missions at our "Come and See" at Big Woods in 2019. It was just a small call but through different trips it has changed. It is bigger now. One of these trips was General Cepeda, Mexico. Through all our serving there, God strengthened our call. Then, recently, we discerned to visit two missionary families in Puerto Rico. While we were there, we felt it more and more. So now we are trying to serve in different ways here in the United States, waiting for the doors to open. We are volunteering, praying, and loving. As St. Padre Pio says, "Pray, hope, and don't worry." Thank you for reading this post. 

God bless,

Our house at Big Woods

Friends at Big Woods

Travel journals at Big Woods

At the airport in Mexico

In a lady's kitchen on a home visit

At the Catedral de Santiago, you could get holy medals, go home, pray for a intention, and if God makes it true, you return to the church and give it back so that they can incorporate it into this wall.

In front of the Cathedral

Thanksgiving at the mission house with people in the community

Me in San Juan, Puerto Rico on a Desert Day

At the pier at Crashboat Beach (I'm the last one that went in)

Me, Mom, and Carson at the beach in Aguada

Me getting a coconut (it's a process)

Praise and worship outside in the chapel

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