Highlights of Puerto Rico by Carson

This spring our family was blessed to be able to spend some time doing mission work in Puerto Rico. While we were there, we got to minister to many people, through many ways, including singing songs about Jesus and handing out Bibles. It was also a blessing to spend my birthday there, and being able to celebrate with old and new friends who we got to spend a lot of time with. Below are a few of my favorite moments in Puerto Rico:

Here we are doing a Desert Day at the beach

This is a video of us doing praise and worship with the veterans (I'm the one on the left holding a songsheet)

Here a group of us were jumping off a pier (I'm the one diving off on the right)

I am eating my fourteen birthday pancakes that were thoughtfully prepared for me


Here is a video of a missionary friend cracking an egg on me on my birthday (A tradition his family picked up serving in Peru)

We took a hike on a beach on my birthday; here we are perched on a rock

Eating coconuts we cracked open with rocks (If you zoom in, you can see me in the back with a distasteful face on. I had just tried the gelatinous part of a coconut, which doesn't really taste bad, but the texture feels like you are eating straight meat fat.)

Us kids on a half pipe at the beach hike

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