A For King And Country Christmas Concert By Autumn

As our family Christmas present this year, we were delighted to attend a For King and Country Christmas Concert. We all love listening to For King and Country's music and have attended many of their concerts in the past. Their Christmas Concerts are especially unique, as they sing all of their own Christmas songs and many popular carols. Joel and Luke always put on an amazing show full of fun and energy, but what I really want to focus on in this blog post is how the two brothers use their stage for the good of others.

One way they do this is by talking about human trafficking. You may have heard their song Priceless, and if you haven't then I urge you to listen to it. They wrote that song about the value of women and even created a movie to create awareness for the fight against human trafficking. At every single concert, before the two brothers play the song, one of them gives a speech about the value of women. As the years have gone by, the speech has changed a bit but the message remains clear. They urge everyone attending the concert to value women as priceless. They talk about the lack of chivalry these days and the need to return to honoring women, the need to treat them like treasures beyond a price tag. 

The other way that they tie in helping others is by sharing a bit of their own story. When their family moved to Nashville, TN, they were very poor. Luckily, many kind people performed acts of charity to their family as they grew up, especially around the holidays. Anything from leaving groceries on the porch or giving them a brand new car. This inspired Joel and Luke to use their concerts to help others, others in even poorer conditions than they ever were. So, after sharing their story, they introduce a foreign child sponsorship program. They ask everyone to prayerfully consider sponsoring a child in a third-world country so that the child has a chance at a better life. One point that Luke gave at this last concert was really impactful to me. He urged people to really give, even if it hurt. He said that if they couldn't give $30 a month that they should get together with some friends and split the cost. I think that's a great idea. 

So, the concert was amazing as far as the music and lights were concerned but what really struck me was how these two brothers used the fame that God gave them to help the poor and the oppressed. I hope that I'll also be able to use my gifts and talents in the same way. 

For King & Country To Launch Christmas Tour This Holiday Season -  MusicRow.com

Picture from: https://musicrow.com/2021/07/for-king-country-to-launch-christmas-tour-this-holiday-season/

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