Christkindl and Gift Giving by Cameron

In this blog post, I want to tell you about one of our family advent traditions. It is called Christkindl, which means "Christ child" in German.  If you have ever done "Secret Santa" (which we used to do), it is a lot like that. My mom found out about Christkindl while reading a book by Maria Von Trapp (Around the Year With the Von Trapp Family) of their family liturgical year traditions. By the way, it is the same Von Trapps as in the Sound of Music, who were devoutely Catholic. 

The gift part is like the infant Jesus receiving gifts from the wise men, and Jesus's gift to us - himself. So throughout the Advent season, we look for ways to be a Christkindl to each other (like praying a rosary, making a bed, or offering up a mortification).  

First, we all draw names out of a hat, and that person is our Christkindl. Then, we will make our Christkindl a handmade gift (we spend about $20 each), while performing good deeds for him/her every day of Advent. For example, last year I was supposed to make Gianna a gift, so I knitted her a scarf and made her some cream cheese mints. The person who drew me was Carson, who made me a slingshot. On Christmas we all open our respective gifts, after guessing who our Christkindl was. 

I personally think that Christkindl is a lot better than Secret Santa, because we can be missionaries to each other at home. Another reason I like it better is because the gift is handmade, instead of just buying a gift. 

Also, we used to get three gifts from our parents, like the three wise men. Then, we realized, after getting more into mission life, that we wanted to go a little farther - knowing that a lot of other kids in the world don't get any Christmas gifts. So, we made it that we all had just one big family present, then our stockings, and then our Christkindl presents. Last year, as our big gift, we got a puppy that we named Digory (from The Magician's Nephew from the Narnia Series - highly recommended).  It was a big splurge because of the cost. But he was (and usually still is) our emotional support. :) He keeps us from spending money on activities that used to separate us, and helps us stay connected as a family.

When we first got Digory last year

(The next day) They say a dog grows every day!

Tyler was Gianna's Christkindl, and he received a photo album and a box of homemade peppermint bark

Carson was Tyler's Christkindl, who received a homemade wood journal

I was Carson's Christkindl, and received a handmade slingshot:)

Mom was Autumn's Christkindl, who got a hand-sewn purse. Autumn was also Mom's Christkindl, who made her a flannel reversible skirt (Note: neither know how to sew beyond mending clothes) 

Gianna was my Christkindl, who received a amazing handmade scarf, and a thing of cream cheese mints.

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