Finding God in the Panhandle of Florida by Gianna

In this blog post, I am going to share many way that we found God on our trip to Florida. These include: giving cookies and candy canes to the homeless, helping out at Tyler's church, Christmas Masses, ChristKindl, and Desert Day.

Cookies and Candy Canes for the Homeless: Carson had this idea to give out yummy treats to the homeless so they may have a little cheer on Christmas. That was the bare minimum that we could do. We baked Christmas kiss cookies put them in cute Christmas bags with a candy cane on the outside. Then, we went to a park. We found four homeless people. One of them was named Ron.  There was another one named Will. We were able to explain about the story of the candy cane. How if you turn it one way it makes "J," for Jesus. And, if you turn it the other way, it makes a shepherd's cane because Jesus is the good shepherd. The red is for the blood that He shed, and the white is for His purity. Then, one of them gave us a sermon about love. It was great that he knew all all that stuff.

Helping out at Tyler's Church: What we did to help at Tyler's church was put together all the Christmas programs. There was a person who organized them, and a person who folded them, and someone who stapled them. It was a great opportunity to help the church who was so nice to us when they didn't even know us. Some of the people even gave us gifts and let us use their air mattresses and bedding.

Christmas Masses: On Christmas Eve we went to daily Mass in the morning. Then, we went to the Christmas vigil Mass. My older siblings went at midnight. Then, on Christmas morning, we did the same again. There were cool violinists, a cellist, and trumpetist. Tyler played the piano. 

ChristKindl 2021: I drew Autumn for my Christkindl this year. I made her peppermint bark and an apron with fruit on it because she likes fruit (she's like a ridgerunner from these books we love called the "Wingfeather Saga"). Carson had me, and he gave me a homemade puzzle box and a candy bar. During Advent, I prayed most of my Divine Mercy Chaplets for her, and for my prayers I was just like, "God, please help Autumn, and let me know if there is something she needs."

Desert Day: We went for a Desert Day at this cool oak place. We went on a bridge to do it. I prayed, and read my bible and a book about Pope St. John Paul II. It was a wonderful thing.                                                                                                                                          

Here are some pictures:

This is our Desert Day

Us all assembling the Christmas Programs

This is me and my friend who generously helped me make the apron

Autumn opening her apron

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