Planning Mission Trips by Autumn

This semester I am in charge of coordinating and planning some of our 2022 trips. I started by meeting with my mom and looking at a calender of the year. We wrote down some important dates, and discussed where we would like to go. As far as mission trips were concerned, we knew we wanted to go either to Peru or Costa Rica, and on a possible group state-side trip. We have friends stationed in both countries. Ideally, we would love to open any trip up to any friends or family who would be interested. The number of people attending a trip determines if it will be an official short term trip, or unofficial. Our trip to Mexico was a good example of an official trip. Everything was very well planned out and coordinated in advance. Our trip to Puerto Rico, however, was much more spur of the moment. I really liked that, because we kind of decided each day what we would do to help others. Our missionary friends still had projects planned ahead of time, but it wasn't quite as strictly planned out.

We narrowed down the best time of year for an international trip, and spring seems promising. So, I started researching flights for both Peru and Costa Rica and sent an email to the Family Missions Company short-term mission trip coordinator. While we wait for a reply, I am continuing to research flights. It seems like it would be a lot cheaper and easier to travel to Costa Rica, so we are leaning towards that option. Either way, it has been a fun learning experience so far as I learn how to research and coordinate our possible trips.

Picture of Costa Rica

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