Movie Review: "Bakhita: From Slave to Saint" by Cameron

Hi! In this blogpost, I want to tell you about one of our favorite, inspiring movies. It is about St. Bakhita, whose feast day is February 8th. St. Bakhita was born in Africa. She was kidnapped at a young age, and then sold into slavery. She went through a terrible life with lots of beatings. But, eventually, she got her freedom, and she went to stay at a convent. After being introduced to God, and in her time there, she decided to become a nun. She was an amazing saint because of her perseverance that she had throughout her life. She was also extremely humble. Anyway, I don't want to spoil too much for you! I hope that you will watch it, and be inspired by her story. 

Also, since St. Bakhita was from Africa, you may consider donating to the poor places in Africa, to the people who don't have food, clean water, and other necessities that we need to live. One charity that we support through monthly giving is WorldServe, which I encourage you to be part of. It's just $10 a month to help build clean water wells in the most desperate places in Africa. 

Thanks for reading, 


The picture on the movie cover

This is a WorldServe video

A prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita

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