Marian Consecration by Carson
Hi, this is Carson. Today I'm going to tell you a bit about an awesome experience I had recently, about Marian Consecration. Marian Consecration is an amazing way to get closer to Jesus, through his mother, Mary.
One year ago I had the amazing experience of doing the Saint Joseph Consecration, by Father Donald Calloway. My older brother, Tyler, got this book for me for a Confirmation gift (he was my sponsor). It was a great way to connect with him through calling him each night (he was in seminary at the time, but has since discerned that his vocation is marriage) and sharing what we had learned. It was very amazing and eye opening, and it made me very happy that I chose St. Joseph as my confirmation saint. Throughout the book, it mainly talks about St. Joseph, but it also talks a good amount about his extraordinary wife, Mary. Hearing so much about her made me want to learn more about her than I already did, so this year I decided to do a Marian Consecration.
The consecration I did was Fr. Michael Gaitley's 33 Days To Morning Glory. He formats the book into five sections: four sections about saints who taught us about Mary, and what they taught us, and the fifth section is about preparing for the consecration day. This consecration has showed me a radical way to lead my life - through Mary, Jesus' mother. When you consecrate yourself to Mary, you give her everything. This is a huge commitment, but the more you put in to it, the more you get out of it. By letting Mary lead us like she lead Jesus in his young years, she can help us to get to heaven.
Through this consecration, I really did grow closer to Mary, developing a stronger personal relationship with her. I could talk more and more about the great things I learned, but I'll keep the big spoilers to myself, in hopes that you might try it yourself if you haven't.
I would strongly recommend this consecration, as well as the St. Joseph Consecration, to anyone who wants to grow in their faith, and have a deeper understanding of it. Here are the books that I used: