Lent 2022: Part I by Gianna

Lent is like the 40 days that Jesus went into the desert. During Lent we increase our focus on God and others. To do that, this Lent we made a list of emotional bank accounts. An emotional bank account has deposits and withdraws. Deposits are doing things for others like making their bed, complementing, etc. As for the withdraws, withdraws are doing things that make people sad like calling names and being disrespectful. 

Whenever we do a deposit, we are able to put a bead on a rosary. (It was my sister, Autumn's, idea). We are creating a rosary through love, so it’s really cool. So, when we give the rosaries away, whatever number of beads there are on the rosary are all our sacrifices. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost and remember: “Love begins at home”- Mother Teresa.

God Bless, 

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