Movie Review: "The Passion of the Christ"...for Kids? By Cameron

In this blogpost, I am going to go through my thoughts on if "The Passion of the Christ" movie is appropriate for kids. This movie (if you haven't watched it) is basically going through the Stations of the Cross. 

One point of the movie that I have reflected on was when Jesus was praying in the garden. I thought about how the disciples were asleep, and how we should always be awake for Christ. Like staying awake and paying attention during prayer or Mass is what I mean.
Really the whole movie stuck out to me because it reiterated to me the agonizing death that Jesus died for us. It is rated R, and has a lot of violence, because that is what Jesus went through. So, the question arose of whether my little sister and I should watch it. Commonsense Media said adults recommended it for kids 14+ years old, and kids said 13+.

My Mom gave me the choice to watch it or not. I said that I wanted to, so I did. And really, it was graphic. But also, honestly, I believe that for any kid who is mature enough to understand our Catholic faith and also understand what is happening in the movie, it is fine to watch. I would say that under 10 years old might want a blanket or pillow to cover up at some of the really creepy parts (the devil parts). 

So, there you have my opinion of the true, but graphic, movie: The Passion of The Christ

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