Series Review: "The Chosen" by Autumn

My family and I greatly enjoy watching the TV series, The Chosen (themed on the life of Jesus and his disciples). Originally, when the series first came out, we didn't jump to see it since we don't watch TV regularly. But, I had heard from several people that it was very good. In fact, time after time, it would come up in conversation. People told us that it was different than any other show. Our interest grew. Eventually, my older brother watched it and urged us to do so as well. A good friend of ours let us borrow it.

As we watched the first season, I was captivated by how well the producer and actors made the disciples come alive. The way that the show dives deep into the disciples' stories and their relationship with each other really helps me to empathize and put myself into their shoes a bit. We went through season one, then season two, and are now waiting excitedly for season three.

Now, some people say that The Chosen is changing the Bible or is making too much stuff up. I disagree. They have a team of mixed-denomination Bible experts on the team to make sure they are not crossing any lines. I think that if you want to watch a series that is rigid on every little detail and will never make you laugh, you can watch the History Channel. The Chosen adds humor and events that are very realistic to the timeline of the life of Jesus. Doing this helps the audience to further connect and feel what the actors are feeling.

The series is trying to reach one billion people. They can only make this goal with the help of all of their fans. That's why I wrote this post. I'm simply giving you a chance to "Come and See" what the series is like. 

Also, say hi to Matthew's dog for me.

The Chosen - Rotten Tomatoes

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