St Gianna, My Namesake by Gianna

Hi. In this blogpost I am going to talk about St. Gianna whose feast day was on April 28. She is who I am named after. Why my parents named me that is because when my mom was pregnant with me she had a little retreat by herself. She found a book about this saint and she decided if it was a girl they would name me Gianna. If not, John Paul. I think she is an awesome woman and saint, and I am glad my parents named me that. She died saving her child at birth, even though she had the choice of abortion or herself. She was a very pro-life saint.  She also was a doctor. That is why she is my favorite. I like all saints though. I hope you like this blogpost.

God bless,


Gianna and two of her four children

Her with Pietro (her husband) 

This is her daughter, Dr. Gianna Emanuela, the one she died saving. She is still alive, and just announced plans to establish the "St Gianna and Pietro Molla International Center for Family and Life" in Springfield, Illinois, which will be a pilgrimage center to promote the holiness of the family and respect for the sanctity of all human life

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