Songbooks For Christ by Cameron

In this blog post, I wanted to tell you about our praise and worship songbooks. Early last year, we were on a mission trip to Puerto Rico, and our friends had praise and worship songbooks that we used a lot while we were with them. So, our Mom had been wanting us to make them for a while now, so we decided to make them for her for Mother's Day. And if you didn't know, it's a process.

We bought plain notebooks, then, after printing out our friend's songbook file, we cut and glued them into the notebooks. Then, we listened to each song and looked up and wrote in each song's chords. But then we found an easier way to do it. We hole punched the songs and put them in folders. Like I said, way easier. So, we made four the hard way and three the easy way, meaning we had seven in all.

So now we use them in our daily praise and worship. We recently had friends over to watch a Christian comedian, Tim Hawkins (somebody's got to do a blog post about him, maybe me) At the end, we asked our friends if they wanted to do some praise and worship, They wanted to, and so we were able to use the songbooks.

So we are now able to show our missionary call to others while continuing to expand our songbooks. Through praise and worship and prayer, we bring others together in Christ. I hope that this blog post may inspire you in many different ways. 

Thanks for reading this blog post,



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