Book Review: "Letters From Father Christmas" by Gianna

Who is J.R.R Tolkien? Tolkien is an author of many books. He wrote the Lord of the Rings book series, and Letters From Father Christmas, which is the special book of honor that I will talk about today. 

But anyway, more about Tolkien. He was a very big Catholic (I don’t know why he is not a saint), and he did something every day that most Catholics don’t do. He would bike with two of his children to a nearby Catholic Church, to do a holy hour. Not just a once-a-week holy hour, but a daily holy hour.  

Tolkien would work as a professor during the day and stay up at night to work on his books. His books are super cool. Some of them I haven't had a chance to read yet, but I was able to read The Hobbit, an adventure book.

Okay, now the book Letters From Father Christmas comes in. Every Christmas Tolkien always pretended to be "Father Christmas," and, when he gave his kids presents, he also gave them a letter from Father Christmas. 

Now, this book is all the letters combined together to make a book (my, he wrote a lot of letters!). We know that this book is about Father Christmas. But its not just saying, “Merry Christmas.” Most of the letters are long, Some are short because the North Polar Bear trapped the Man in the Moon under the sofa. Dragons were trying to take over the moon, and they had to wake him up to save the moon. Who is the North Polar Bear? He is Father Christmas’s helper who brings down presents to the cellar, breaks the North Pole, eats a ton, discovers Cave Bear and Goblins' caves, has a whooping cough, and more.

There are also elves, and the North Polar Bear's nephews (the Boxing Brothers), and the Snowman who broke. Father Christmas used the snowman to paint a picture with his remains for one of the kids. There are more people who live there too. The book is mostly about "N.P."'s naughtiness. It is a really fun book.

I love all J.R.R. Tolkien's silly drawings and pictures. And how he did this all for his kids. And I really like it because he was Catholic. The book is really entertaining, and funny. I am glad our mom bought it, and is reading it out loud again.

Now I am going to describe Tolkien as a dad. I like how he thought of writing letters to his kids, and not just buying them presents. He was a great and fun dad, who wrote books and taught his kids about God. I would have liked a dad like that.

Reading this book helped me grow closer to my family. Okay, after we read it the first time, I thought about doing the same thing (but a little bit different). I came up with "Shoemaker." Basically, I journal back and forth to my mom. It’s very much like Letters From Father Christmas

There is Shoemaker, who makes shoes, and there is his wife, Sewmaker, who sews. Then, like the North Polar Bear, there is Ballistic Blackberry, Fluff the unicorn, the horse, Sam, (whose wife is Jennate). They have a daughter, Zula. There is Ch@rcol, (llamacorn). That is his signature. His wife is Louise, and they have two children, Lynn and Jon. Jon died in 2015. There is Ramses, whose wife is Martha (they are both dogs). They recently had a litter of puppies: Karen, Cinna, Sally, and Incarnedo, the youngest. There are also two elves - Drinian, and Rocco. Now here is a letter from Shoemaker:


You would not believe what Blackberry has done. It all started with his cousin coming over. His name is Firecracker, and he takes after his namesake. I decided to take them to All Star Barbecue, and as you may know, that didn’t go well. But anyway, here is a note from Firecracker,

Dear missus Lisa,

How are you? This is Firecracker, I do say myself, Blackberry is in fact, ballistic.

Now a message from Blackberry:

Dear missus Lisa,

I do say myself Firecracker takes after his namesake. - Ballistic Blackberry

Well, now maybe you can see some of their quarrels. I am not going to write out one of Father Christmas's letters because they are too long, and the short ones are not as funny. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. I do recommend reading Letters From Father Christmas with family and/or friends.

God bless,


Blackberry and Rocco packing shoes for Christmas

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