Updates! by Carson

Hi! Today I'm going to use this blog post to briefly explain a little about some upcoming plans and exciting changes that are going to be happening soon in our family. It finally seems like some things are falling into place with school, missions, and other such things.

First off, I think that I am (God-willing) planning to graduate early! Or, at the very least, be done with school but maybe not officially graduate. This would be so I can devote a lot of time over the next year or two to mission work with my family and/or discern the next steps for my vocation. This might be discerning the seminary, or possibly trade school. Please pray for me as I discern my next steps!

Coming up, my family and I will be visiting our older brother, Tyler, in Florida for Christmas! Tyler works as a music director in a small town in Florida, so he has to be there over Christmas so he can play piano for the Christmas Masses. So, since he can't come to us, we'll go visit him!

Finally, it seems like things are falling into place for us to visit Central America for a time! While here we'll hopefully go to language school and visit a mission base down there too. Please pray for our safety and discernment!

Hopefully, this gives you a small idea of what's going to be going on in our family over the next little while. God bless! Thanks for reading!

Feliz Navidad!

Us trying out Tyler's homemade gift to us, a custom chess set (last year)

Tyler's apartment after we "Buddy the Elf"ed it while he was at work

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