Book Review: "To Save a Thousand Souls" by Carson

Hello everyone! In this blogpost I'm going to tell you a little about a book I recently read, To Save a Thousand Souls by Fr. Brett A. Brannen. This is a book that has really helped me lately, so here's what it's all about:

This book was first introduced to me by the vocation director in our diocese, as it's a book about discerning the priesthood. It's basically an extensive guide answering many of the questions Catholic young men might have about the priesthood. 

This is a very easy book to read for many reasons. First, the priest who wrote it is a vocations director, so definitely has a lot of experience and wisdom in the discernment area. He also happens to be very funny, and often includes funny stories that add joy to the book. The book is very organized. It starts out with what priests do, the qualities of a good priest, and so on. Then it tells about what is required of a priest, and ways men can discern if they're called to the priesthood. Towards the end it talks about different tracks you can take to become a priest, and seminary life. In this way it slowly takes you deeper into discernment of the priesthood.

All throughout the book the author includes countless questions he has received from young men about discernment, as well as powerful stories that make you appreciate priests better for what they do.

Even though this book may not apply directly to you (in the case of the reader being a lady or someone who's already found their vocation), if you know any young Catholic men discerning what God wants for their life, I would definitely recommend telling them about this book. 

This book is high up on my list of favorite books, not because it's an adventure or outdoor book or anything like that, but because it talks about something very real and important. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost, and have a good rest of your day!

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