Prayer During Our Florida Trip by Gianna

Hello! I better start us off with a few updates about the last month...

First of all, we are good. We spent Christmas in Florida (where our brother, Tyler, is a music director at a church near Destin). He had agreed to dog-sit at a friend’s, in exchange that we get to lodge in her house. After the dog’s owner came back, we moved to Tyler’s apartment, a few days before the New Year. 

Now, I'm going to talk about how we've been praying during our time in Florida. 

At home, we wake up at 4:50 AM to go to a daily Holy Hour, and Mass. Luckily, the church here has Mass at 8:00 AM, so we don’t get up as early. 

At the dog’s owners house, we would get up at 6:30, eat a quick breakfast, and be on our way. The dog’s owners house was far away from the church. The quickest you would get there is 15 min. It depended on the traffic. 

But when we were “transplanted” to Tyler’s house, we got to really sleep in. This was because Tyler lives only a mile away from church. Oh, these days are soooooooooooooo wonderful (maybe because of the sleep schedule!) 

Also, as a add on, we joined in the Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) before Mass, and sometimes the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. 

I love our new schedule of prayer because of the more time with God, and late wake-up. I love the part in the Liturgy of the Hours where it talks about God's creation blessing him.

Maybe you should try to experience daily Mass if you have a chance!

This is Tyler giving the dog his morning pills

Our veggie tray I made for Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Dinner

Us on Christmas Eve, after nighttime Mass.

This is us with "Spanish Guides" that Tyler made us for Christmas which have the prayers for the Rosary and funny, personalized quotes

Autumn painted Tyler a picture of his Confirmation Saint, José Sánchez del Río

God bless,


“Sun and Moon, bless the Lord. Stars of Heaven bless the Lord. Praise and exult him above all forever”

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