Antigua Highlights by Autumn

It's been a crazy month here in Central America and it seems to have gone by in a flash. In this blogpost I'm going to share a list of some of our highlights from our time in Antigua.

1. Spanish School

As you probably already know, our main reason for spending this time here in Antigua was to attend Spanish School. To put it simply, the experience has been both rewarding and humbling. Learning a new language has proved to be very difficult, but we've been working hard at it! I can say for certain we've improved though. We are all able to communicate better, as well as understand a lot more. Our teachers have been very helpful and are very sweet. It has been a blessing to study with them.

2. Community

Through our daily routine we've been blessed to meet and connect with many new friends during our time here in Antigua. We've made friends at our host home, in the Church community, and even on the street. It's been great to swap stories and get to know people.

3. Praise and Worship

We've continued doing Praise and Worship here in Antigua and it has helped us connect with the community so much. We played with friends at the home we are staying at, and in front of the church, La Merced. I'm always amazed at how well a song can breach the gap between languages. We know a few songs in Spanish and our friend we met at church taught us even more. When we played these songs in front of the church, a small crowd gathered to stop and listen. They loved the Spanish songs, but also continued to listen, even when we started singing songs in English. I've learned that no matter the language, music can still bring people together.

4. Desert Days

On a few separate occasions, we've walked across town with our hammocks and desert day supplies to the Hill of The Cross. This is a hike up the mountainside that leads to a really pretty clearing where a cross overlooks the city on Antigua. There are lots of trees so we've been blessed to be able to spend time in our hammocks, praying and reflecting. 

5. Ministry

Like I mentioned before, our main itinerary for Guatemala was to get better at Spanish so that we can better serve in Belize. Belize speaks English as it's primary language, but we've learned that there are many immigrants who come from all over Central American and the Caribbean. It also seems like one of the Mayan communities we'll be working with only speaks Spanish. 

That being said, God gave us several opportunities to help some individuals in Guatemala. We were able to meet and help provide food and water to multiple of the homeless here. We were also able to be there for a deaf man who seemed like he was going through a very difficult time. We communicated through motions and writing and were able to pray with him, which he seemed to really appreciate. 

During our daily Scripture time in the square outside the Church, we were able to talk to many people as they asked us what we're reading. All in all, I'm grateful for the times that God has placed people in our path for us to help.

Please pray for all those we've been able to meet, help, and receive help from in Guatemala! Please also pray as we start our mission work in Belize. We're praying for all of you as well.

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