Family First by Carson

Hello! In this blogpost I'm going to talk a little bit about the struggles in reaching others as a missionary, if you're not first serving those in your family. This is something that I'm sure everyone struggles with, definitely including us!

As Mother Teresa once said, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." This is where changing the world for good starts! Yet, it can be one of the most challenging things in the world to do. 

In my opinion, it's so much easier to love and serve others outside of your family, total strangers, than to be able to serve those closest to us! Maybe it's because they're so close to us that we feel they don't count as the poor. 

But really, serving in the family is where it needs to start, otherwise any serving of others outside the family will not be sincere. As 1 Corinthians 13 says, "If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal."

Our family, like so many others, struggles with this. No, we are not the perfect family! Not at all. When we find that things aren't working out when we are trying to serve others, often, if we look closer, it is because of a lack of unity in our family. We realize that maybe we are neglecting to take care of each other, forgetting to smile and forgetting to do normal decent things because we are busy.

This is why it's important for us as a family to really build up our relationships with each other so as to be better witnesses and servants to others. 

For example, I notice that when I do my own thing in Spanish school and learn on my own, I learn faster, but my siblings struggle. When I help them while doing my work, I find that, though I may learn a little slower, I am much happier because my siblings are succeeding with me.

And so, if you want to change the world, get home and love!

Acosta family inside of a hobbit hole in Guatemala

Standing outside our hobbit hole

Huge sand hole we made in Florida

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