Holy Week/Easter by Gianna

I like this picture because it makes me think about God's love for us. Jesus loves you!


“Behold, we are now going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death. Then they will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and on the third day he will be raised to life.” Matthew 20:18-19

The verse above is Jesus predicting his Passion, and Resurrection, for the third time. In this blogpost I will talk about Easter and Holy Week. Easter is the day Jesus rose from the dead, and Holy Week is Jesus’ passion/Jesus’ last week before he died/the days that lead up to Easter.

I have to be careful, because it is still Lent, and I probably shouldn’t be talking about Easter. Also, my brother, Cameron, told me I can’t say the “A” word during Lent (al*#@uia). It’s a Christian NATBSW (Not Appropriate To Be Said Word) in Lent because Jesus isn’t risen yet.  Lent and Easter always like to sneak up on me. Already this coming Sunday is Palm Sunday!

My Bible is a “New Catholic Bible” (St. Joseph edition), and lately I found some cool things in my Bible, like a little account of fascinating Bible statistics that shows which Bible character was mentioned the most, what is the longest chapter in the Bible, etc. I also came upon a little timeline of Jesus’ last week that went like this:

Jesus’ Last Week:

Sunday: (Palm Sunday) Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, when Jesus enters Jerusalem on a *donkey. There are people with palms praising him, and then Jesus visits the Temple, and then he returns to Bethany.

I always like Palm Sunday, and sometimes making palm crosses. *The Donkey must have been real ticked off at them Apostles Comin’ and stealing him away (I definitely would have been). He didn’t know that he was going to have the honor of carrying Jesus.

Monday: Monday is the day that Jesus curses an unfruitful fig tree and Jesus cleanses the Temple court.

Here you learn a lesson: Don’t misuse the Lord’s Day, or his house. Jesus is capable of many things, including completely demolishing, and destroying, all the “Sam’s Club stands” in the temple. 

Tuesday: Today, Jesus explains the withered fig tree, and Jesus’ authority is questioned. Then, Jesus teaches in the Temple, Jesus condemns the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus points out the Widow’s gift, and then Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple, and the end of the world.

Wow. So many things happened today! Today the Jews see that Jesus has a lot of power and maybe are jealous. Today is a BIG turning point, in Jesus’ and the disciples’ life.

Wednesday: On Wednesday, Jewish leaders conspire against Jesus, Jesus is anointed at Bethany, and Judas agrees to betray Jesus.

Oh Judas. You may think, “Why did he do that?” “Why didn’t Jesus stop him?” Later we may see that it all was for the glory of God so that Jesus could rise on the third day to save us from our sins.

Thursday (Holy Thursday): Today, on Thursday, Jesus prepares to celebrate Passover, and the Last Supper happens. Jesus and his Disciples go to the Garden of Gethsemane. Then, Jesus is betrayed and arrested, Jesus is tried before Annas and before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin, and Peter denies Jesus three times.

Peter. Peter was so obstinate, he even said he’d die with Jesus. But before he knew it, before he could do anything, it was too late. Poor guy.

Friday (Good Friday): Then Jesus is tried before Pilate, then Judas’ suicide, Jesus is sent to Herod, then Pilate imposes a sentence of death. Then, Jesus is scourged and bears his Cross. Jesus is led to Golgotha. Then, Jesus dies on the Cross and Jesus is taken down from the cross. Then, Jesus is buried.

Today is a very serious day. We go to church to venerate the Cross, but there is not Mass. It’s also a day we think about how Jesus died FOR US. We try to make it extra penitential, and also observe silence from the hours of 12-3 pm (when Jesus was on the Cross).

Saturday: Then The tomb is guarded.

Today’s another day of mourning, it’s the only free day that nothing really goes on, so I like to think about the past week.

Sunday: EMPTY TOMB! NO JESUS? JESUS RISEN?????! EASTER?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that’s a little bit of what Jesus’ last week was like. This year on Easter, is my brother Carson’s birthday, so it will be an extra special day. We make sure we spend Easter at Mass and in prayer, but also have fun and connect as a family (and eat good food, and good candy)! I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. HAPPY NOT EASTER! (it’s still Lent!)

God bless,


This is a picture of all 7 of us kids on Easter 2017

Mommy and us four youngest kids on Easter 2020 (that year my birthday was on Easter)

Us doing praise and worship in Puerto Rico, Easter 2021 (If you look closely at the sign, you'll see we're singing "Alleluia" in Spanish because it was Easter!)

Me and our dog Digory, Easter 2022

The Women at the tomb

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