Life in Belize by Gianna

Hello. In this blogpost, I will share about what it is like here in Belize. It is very hot here. I was very surprised that most people speak English, and even some people don’t speak Spanish. The groceries here are expensive, sometimes even more than the United States.

The church is very nice, medium sized. Our day starts with getting up early, going to 6:15 Mass, then praying a Divine Mercy Chaplet, Morning Prayer, and a Holy Hour. The priests are nice, Father Scott is from Canada, we spend the most time with him. Father Scott put me in charge of feeding the chickens, which is very fun. 

This is the Divine Mercy statue in front of the church  

The Coop!

For now, we are staying in the old pre-school. Soon hopefully, we will move into the “blue house” which is a house that needs some love.  In one room the roof needs to be fixed and the place floods so we are trying to clean it up. The house is on a small plot of land with a community park and basket ball hoops. When it rains, the place becomes like a swamp. It will be fun making the place like home. Thankfully, people have helping with all sorts of different things like driving us places, meals, and loaning us things.

Me in the Blue House

The youth group is held every Friday, and I have made many friends. Lately some new missionaries from the United States are also working on a project on the same property as the blue house, so we've been helping them with that. Hopefully we will move into the blue house soon. I hope you will have a good Lenten season. Thanks for reading this blogpost,

God bless,


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