Moving Into the Blue House by Cameron

Hi! In this blogpost, I wanted to tell you a little bit about how we have been preparing a house on some property that the Church owns in a small neighborhood. We will be staying here for a while, because we want a sort of street evangelization in that certain neighborhood, and the priest here wants to start connections and ministry there.

It is a little blue house that is located in a poorer neighborhood, right next to a big park where kids come to play futbol and basketball. I got to go over recently and play some futbol with some of the local neighborhood boys, who are very nice.

The house floods really bad when it rains, so we have to put some of our stuff on cinder blocks. It is also the end of the rainy season here, which means there shouldn’t be flooding for the remainder of time that we are here. There is also a lot of dirt outside the house that gets tracked inside, so we have had to sort of deep clean it and move stuff around. We have been very blessed by some parishioners that have given, and let us borrow, miscellaneous things that we need for the house.

For our sleeping arrangements, we had hammock hooks installed for some of us, and we are going to either take apart an already made bunk bed and put it in, or make one from scratch. But, right now, those of us without hammock hooks will sleep on mattresses on the floor raised with cinderblocks. One advantage to the hammocks (other than being comfortable) is that if it did rain again, the flooding could not reach the hammocks. Fortunately, some of us kids are accustomed to hammock sleeping and it is the preferred option to us over having a bed.

For transportation, there is a possible van from the church that we can use, if it gets repaired. Another option is to get bikes that we could ride around, but a used bike here is like $200 U.S. dollars. We could take a bus, but they start after 6 am here, and we wouldn’t make it to 6:15 Mass on time.

Another option is using a little school bus that the church owns, but it is not very reliable, and it is very old. It would also be hard to drive around here for someone inexperienced, but I like that idea (by the way, there are no stoplights, only traffic circles here). The church is about two miles away, so we’ve been walking for the time being. But it does take a while, and it’s very hot coming home, and we have to cross a certain busy highway that goes from Belize to Mexico.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this blogpost and seeing the pictures, and maybe I will do a part two later after we get situated.

God bless!


The blue house

The area that we live in with the park

The porch before we cleaned it

The porch after we cleaned it

The boys' room

My mom took the blue bus on a test drive, and joked that she probably had ridden it to school one day as a child, because it is actually from the1980's!

A fellow visiting missionary and I helped remodel the chicken coop at the church

Carson and I finished the coop after the mission team left (Father Scott and I are trying to convince my Mom to let us get baby chicks to have at the blue house, along with some chickens!)

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