"His Ozarks Masterpiece": A Poem by Autumn


For this blogpost I wanted to piggyback off of Carson’s last post where he talked about the importance of nature. Before we left Florida for Central America I learned about a scholarship contest back in Missouri. The man who was running the contest wanted applicants to write a poem inspired by nature. 

I have been very blessed to have many inspiring encounters with nature in the Ozarks with both my family and friends, and decided to write my poem summarizing those a little bit while trying to give God the glory. It ended up winning a prize, so I thought I’d share it here along with some pictures of the memories that inspired the poem. I hope you enjoy!

His Ozark Masterpiece

Let’s go down to the river, I simply wish to float

The icy Elevenpoint, or the tepid Buffalo

In the afternoon, as the day continues growing hotter

We can leap out of the canoes and surrender to the water

Splashing through the side-creeks, searching for the springs

Climbing on the old mill wheel: a piece of Ozark history

We’ll make camp under a bluff, by the fire we can dry

In the morning we’ll hike up there and through the mist watch the sunrise

We’ll ponder there awhile, sitting in the peace

Waiting for the whispers that the wind will surely bring

And when those summer months expire

Backpacking, see the leaf shades turn to fire

Breathing deep the crisp air as we trod along,

Watering the land with our walking songs

The forest beckons us, calls us deeper in

Inviting us to restrengthen our souls yet again

At night stars join the dancing of our strings

Voices sing praise to the Creator, the one who spoke this all to be

When the sun bathes us anew with it’s morning light

We’ll venture once again, up unto the heights

So let’s hike down in the hallows or gallop to the glades

We can wander to the waterfalls or go explore the caves

The trees can sing their melodies and the creek will harmonize

The birds chirp response happily as they streak across the sky

We’ll build a book of memories that we’ll treasure deep inside

Some wonderfully serene, others about we’ll laugh until we cry

Come try to reach the sky, climb higher ever higher

Letting our surroundings once again our hearts inspire

Gratefully we’ll head home again, thankful that the Great Artisan we’ve seen

Exhibited in the glory of His Ozark Masterpiece.

On top of a bluff, watching the sunrise

A hiking trip to Hercules Glades

A float trip is never complete without proper shenanigans

(See above caption)

(See above above caption)

Backpacking in the fall

A family nature hike

Us on a trail in Mansfield, MO

We took a detour to the Buffalo River during a roadtrip and decided to make things interesting for Cameron while he used the restroom 

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