College Bound by Autumn

Hello! In this blogpost I'm excited to share my plans for the 2023-2024 school year, as I am officially graduating this month. After a lot of prayer and discernment (and scholarship money), I have decided to start college at Missouri State University in the fall. My plan is to study education, but I don't have a specific type decided yet. 

I have never been one to believe in the usual American mindset that everyone should go to college. In fact, when I completed all my high school (and some college) credits two years ago I felt very strongly towards not going to college. 

However, over this last school year, I've been open, and felt like the Holy Spirit was changing my mind. Through my time in prayer, I felt like God was calling me to write down a few of my hopes and reasons for wanting to attend college.

My 5 Goals for College:

1. By going to college I hope to continue to challenge myself academically. My hope is to take the amazing opportunity given to me, and use it to bless others who are not so fortunate. My plan could definitely change. But, right now, I feel a strong call to teach in countries where the literacy rate is low. I want to teach children how to read, which opens up a world of possibilities for them.

2. While going to college I want to find ways to contribute, both financially and through prayer, to missions in poor countries where Christianity has not yet been spread, or where Christians are being persecuted. Here is a picture of the 10-40 window (I encourage you to look this up if you want to know more):

3. I am very aware of the challenges that might arise attending a public university where I feel like the majority of the students have vastly different views and beliefs than I. However, I feel like this is an opportunity to spread the love of Christ and try to live as a Christian example (as well as learn from others how better to be one)!

4. I will be living at home and am excited to make my fourth goal to stay close and connected to my family!

5. While doing college I want to find time to continue growing in my other passions (writing, art, music, etc.) and use them for the glory of God. 

Well, there you have it folks! Of course this is all God-willing, but, for now, I think this is the direction I'm heading in.

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