Some Things I've Learned From My Sister by Gianna

As you all know about, my older sister, Autumn, is graduating (Class of 2023) so I thought I might share with you guys some things I’ve learned from my her.

This is definitely one of the things I learned from her, and that is drawing. Autumn has a special talent in drawing, she teaches herself. Drawing is one of the many things we have in common. I remember her teaching me how to draw a non-stick figure for the first time. But, the best thing about it, is how she uses it for the glory of God - like making beautiful tiles of Mary and the saints, and stickers with pro-life messages and inspiring quotes.

Like drawing, Autumn has a different touch in cooking. Most of the time she doesn’t follow the recipe, rather makes up her own ingredients, or makes up her own recipe. However, almost everything she makes turns out well (except sometimes our everyday breakfast smoothies), and is a lovely delicacy to the family. But, I like how she uses her creativity for God - whether it’s making pro-life cupcakes, or taking homemade muffins or soup to shut ins.

One of the things we have in common is a passion for story writing. We both have stories we are working on, and sometimes we share our stories together. Autumn loves making poetry, as you can see in previous posts. Not only are her stories/poems funny, but they are also inspiring, and have good rhyme. One thing Autumn makes sure to fit into her stories, is a Christian background. Whether it’s a character playing Jesus, and so on.

This is a big way we spend our free-time, reading. We share the same likes of the same books. And, if you have ever been in our house before, you may have seen in our room - the pictures and book quotes that were covering our wall. Sometimes while I am reading a book series (like Narnia), I come upon a quote that was on our wall that I’ve looked at a hundred times. Then I think “Hey! I know that quote! No wonder it seemed so familiar!”

Autumn likes the best of all the books that are Christian, and have a good message. I feel like they inspire her the most. You can see one of Autumns posts: Fiction Favorites, which has a lot of good books that I would recommend.

Another thing is homeschooling. Whenever mom’s too busy to help us, Autumn’s there to help me, or teaches others to do so. Autumn always has the ideas for projects. Recently, Cameron and I finished our Social Studies, and Autumn planned this big China end of the year thing with food and speeches about saints who lived in China or Japan.

Thank you for reading this blogpost. I hope you like the post and pics. Please be with us spiritually through Autumn’s graduation, and please pray as she begins her next chapter of life.

God Bless,


Autumn in Guatemala at a hobbit-themed park

Autumn making a creation at a random appointment

Autumn and me comparing our creations

Autumn made a cruxifix out of clay

Autumn making food for my First Communion

Autumn helping me with a school project

Finishing the same school project

                                                          Autumn re-painted a ukelele

The backside of the ukelele

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