Documentary Review: "What is A Woman?" by Autumn

Recently I watched the documentary, “What is a Woman?” In it, Matt Walsh goes all around the globe to try to find the answer to this question. However, it turns out to be much harder to find than one would think. With the world spinning as rapidly as it is today with conflict and questions concerning gender, I found this to be a very affirming watch that better prepared myself for defending my beliefs in the future. I believe that there is merit in watching this documentary no matter where you stand on the gender issues of today. That being said, I would definitely rate the documentary as PG13, due to some of the mature discussions that are had. 

One of the things that I really enjoyed about this documentary was all of the places and all of the people that Matt Walsh interviewed. He held discussions with people from all different places and with all different opinions, including a remote tribe in Africa. This kept the documentary moving and certainly kept it from being boring. He keeps his questions remarkably simple, which makes the conversations easier to understand.

I don’t want to spoil any more of the documentary, so I’ll close up this blogpost now. Again, I believe that this documentary is worth watching no matter what position you take on the issue being discussed or what your personal beliefs are. I think it’s very important to watch documentaries and do research with an open mind in order to better understand where people are coming from and how. 

Based on scripture and the fact that we know God created us each individually as male or female, I believe that it is not up to us to decide about gender. That’s God’s role. That being said, it’s of upmost importance to treat everyone, regardless of what they believe, with respect and love. However, I feel that it is a duty as a Christian to stay informed and to be able to defend the truth with love, patience, and clarity. 

*updated! Here's the link:

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