My Week With Mommy by Gianna Acosta

Hi! Last week, my older siblings went to Camp Re-NEW-All, a Catholic camp for kids going into 5th – 9th grade. Autumn and Carson were staff, so they went a day earlier, on Sunday. Cameron was still home, and we had a lot of fun.

Monday morning after Mass, we dropped off Cameron at camp, leaving just mom and me together. Then we did some errands, and went to Adoration. After that we went to Culvers (because we had a coupon), and, while we were ordering our food at the register, I leaned over and whispered to mom, “The girl taking our order is named Gianna!” Then that led to us sharing the whole life story of St. Gianna with that employee at Culvers, and I think we taught her something! Then we went home and ended our night with night prayer.

Then, on Tuesday, we went to Mass and a Holy Hour, and then we went to some Mass friends’ home, (Hope and Joe) and gave them Communion, because Joe got a cold, and Hope recently had a surgery for skin cancer. Then we went to Village Inn, because kids eat free Tuesdays. Then we made a schedule and decided to get some work done. After that we went to the pool, ate dinner, and then did Night Prayer, and went to bed.

The next day we did our early morning routines, (Mass and HH) and later did some errands.

On Thursday we went to Mass and HH, and then had a tea party with Hope and Joe’s granddaughter, and went to the pool, and made some soup and a card for Hope and Joe. We also took a card to our friend, Darlene, who had been in the hospital.

Friday was busy. We went to Mass, and then helped out at Crosslines food pantry. All good things have an end! We went home and the kids came back, and it was sort of bittersweet, because I did miss my siblings, and was glad that they were home, but spending time with mom was a blast.

Also please pray for Hope and Joe, who are recovering from covid, and Hope’s skin cancer to heal well, and for Darlene. Thank you so much!

God Bless,


Bella and I making cards for Hope and Joe

Tea party

Spending family time with yummy Italian food

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