A Cloud of Witnesses: Our Church Family by Gianna

Helloooooooooooo! I'm sure most of ya folks remember my brother doing a three-part series on daily Mass, and I thought I should do kinda the same thing - except different. I am gonna do it 'bout a cloud of witnesses. *gasp*

What is a cloud of witnesses?  A cloud of witnesses are different groups of people who witness to us, who keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, and who bless us in many ways (most people who are reading this). For instance, today  I will be talking about our church friends and how they bless us. Time after that, farm family. And after that, distanced (people who live in other states, and our friends in other countries).

Okay. Wow. I don't know where to start. Tony and Lily take time to stop and hug us after Mass, and ask how we're doing. On Wednesday we walked to Mass, and watched the sunrise, saw red sky and remembered: Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. That meant it was going to storm. And it did. Knowing that we walked, they gave us a ride home. They have blessed us with their kindness countless times. It was so awesome to see them start coming to Daily Mass. Tony and Lily are truly disciples of Christ. They rarely think of themselves, and are always considerate of others - like how they help with the Ozark Harvest food truck at our church.

Celebrating with church friends for Cameron's 13th birthday, Mrs. Lily coordinated it all

Cholet, our good friend, always invites us over to her house for dinner and a rosary. She gave us a lot of things she could not keep when she was moving (including sacramentals a fondue maker) and insisted we were the ones doing her the favor. Many times she has given us things from the farmers market. One time we had just came home from somewhere, and were talking about how much we wanted corn, and then there on the porch steps, corn. Cholet has blessed us so much, and she is our little angel. By giving us food to eat, she is witnessing by doing a work of mercy, feeding the hungry.

Having Cholet over for dinner before she moves, and doing Praise and Worship

Hope and Joe (a.k.a Mimi and Papa) are so sweet, to me especially, inviting me over for playdates with their granddaughter. The Goodwins kept watch over our house while we were in Belize, and stocked up our fridge, so when we came back, we didn't have to shop, and, on to of that, made us ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS SOUP!!!!! Hope, recently had surgery for skin cancer, and had covid, but she always has a smile ready for anyone. They are such a light in the world, and a huge blessing in our family. They are always helping with parties, so it's extra special for that person.

Mimi threw a tea party for my birthday last year

Hope treating Mom out to lunch for her birthday

Mr. Jon and Mrs. Trish watched our dog while we were gone, and they were the people who got us started on The Chosen, and gave us Chosen shirts for our birthdays. They invited us to pick pears, and they are a very fun couple to hang around. When our ac broke, the first thing we did was call Mr. Jon, who came and fixed it. They are awesome, and whenever Cameron cannot serve at Mass, Mr. Jon is the person who takes his spot, without complaining.

Digory became a service dog to Mr. Jon's dad (R.I.P.) when he was staying them

It's so good to see all these older people coming to Mass, and they all keep me going with their sweet smiles. And I could talk about so many other people, but that would be a mile long! I just want to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to all the amazing people of our church family who have blessed us soooo much!

God Bless and thanks a gazillion times,

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