Movie Review: "Sound of Freedom" by Carson

Hello, in this post I am going to tell you about a movie I watched in theaters recently, Sound of Freedom. I'll go over the main point of the movie, what I thought of it, and who I think should watch it. Stay tuned!

Sound of Freedom is a film that was released this year on the Fourth of July, in 2023. It was distributed by Angel Studios and directed by Alejandro Monteverde. The movie (based on a true story) brings to light the horror and reality of human trafficking, even showing how America is a large part in this multi- billion dollar crime network. The plot of the movie is about the main character, Tim Ballard (played by Jim Caviezel), who gets roped into an operation involving trafficked children.What he sees changes his life perspective so much that he eventually quits his job to rescue such children, with one girl particularly in mind. He does this, because as Tim says, "God's children are not for sale."

This movie is very heavy. The movie has violent kidnapping, verbal threats and abuse, children being branded, fighting, gunfire, and cursing. And though it doesn't show any of the children being sexually abused, that is what the whole movie is centered around so it is obviously mentioned a lot, sometimes in detail. That being said, this may be the most important movie you may watch this whole year. People need to see how real this is, not just in countries far away, but right here in the "Free" country of the U.S.A. The movie brings to light the fact that human trafficking is the fastest growing crime network ever to exist, and that there are more slaves in the world right now than in any other time in history, even when slavery was legal. Though this movie is deeply saddening and eye opening, I believe everyone (with some exceptions mentioned below) should watch this movie. 

The exceptions to that statement would probably be in my opinion anyone under 13. Perhaps if you had a very mature kid who you think could handle it, 12. Beyond that, not only is it very deep stuff for kids younger than that to watch, but they also most likely wouldn't understand it because of how the movie is formatted.

So first things first: Go watch the movie as soon as possible, and take others with you. If money is a problem, Angel studios has a pay it forward program where you can pay for others or be paid for, depending on your needs. Also, you need to watch in theaters if you can, and while you can. This is for two reason. One, it supports organizations against child trafficking better if you see it in theaters, and two, there are no interruptions in a movie theater, so you can get the whole message of the movie in a more powerful way without being distracted.

Next, you can donate to O.U.R., Operation Underground Railroad, the organization that the real Tim Ballard started to put an end to human trafficking. These are the people leading the fight against human trafficking. They have been involved in 4000+ operations, have impacted 7000+ lives, and have been involved in 6500+ human trafficking arrests. Their process is to identify who needs help and where, save the people in need, and then provide after-care to set them up for a better life.

Lastly, and most importantly, we can pray! Ask God for an end to human trafficking, and add that prayer to your daily prayers, because only through the grace of God can this be stopped.

I hope this post has inspired you to A) watch Sound of Freedom if you haven't, and B) contribute your time, money, or at least your prayers to this cause. 

Have a great rest of your day!

Hear that? That's the sound of freedom.

Important part of movie but I won't spoil it.

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