A Cloud of Witnesses: Our Farm Family by Gianna

Salutations! Today I'll be talking about our farm friends, and how they are a cloud of witnesses to us. The farm family is a group of friends who are a part of Millsap Farm.  Our farm family has been so good to us, and have become our great friends by witnessing to us by their amazing love for Christ. 

The Millsaps

Curtis and Sarah own Millsap Farm. When they first got married, they decided to keep their arms wide open, and give everything into the arms of God. Soon, they had ten kids, four of whom they adopted!  They have witnessed to us by their amazing faith. 

There is a pizza night every Thursday night where people can fellowship and get to know each other better. Another huge way they witness to us and others is by taking groups of kids on float trips and backpaking, and starting the day with prayer and devotionals. 

Emma, their oldest daughter, graduated and went to the Phillipines, and is training to become a midwife among the poor, and will be away for a few more years. Their next oldest daughter, Anna, graduated early, and went to Jackson, Mississipi, to serve at a place called Service Adventure, and to minister to the poor for a year.  Before the girls left, they had a "Commisioning Party" for each of them, and we did praise and worship and prayed over them.

Also, as some may know, we try to do something as a work of mercy on our birthdays, and so some of us have chosen the Walk for Life, Walk for the Poor, Ozarks Food Harvest, and Boxes of Joy, all of which the Millsaps have donated, and participated in. Their kids are like adopted cousins to us, and we spend a lot of time together.

Us and the Millsap family in Costa Rica

The Riegles

The Riegles are another family of friends who live close to the Millsaps. They also have adopted three little boys and have land of their own. Mr. and Mrs. Riegle have six kids at home, Hunter, Jayann, Jackie, Daniel, Asher, and Elijah. Hunter and Jayann work on the farm with Carson and Autumn.

Like us and the Millsaps, the Riegles homeschool. The kids have good morals and good character traits.  Prayer and praise and worship is almost always included in our parties and time together, with Hunter playing along on the guitar.

When the Riegles cannot come to pizza night, they usually are at a bible study, or prayer group. That itself is witnessing. They vary their time, sometimes going to pizza night, and other outings, but making sure the Lord is the center of their life. 

The Riegles girls and the Acosta girls

Karissa and Jennae

Karrisa and Jennae are two awesome young ladies who have worked/lived on the farm as interns. They are different from most 20 year olds, by modesty and pureness in how they speak and dress. 

Besides spending time together on the farm, Jennae and Karrissa have joined us for Daily Mass and breakfast at our house afterwards. They have also participated in saint movies and popcorn parties with us, as well as praise and worship, decorating Christmas cookies, and enjoying Jennae's awesome pot pies for dinner.

Sometimes on Sundays they would join us for desert days where we would go in nature and spend time relaxing with the Lord.

Jennae recently moved to Topica KS, and started a flower farm. Karrissa moved to an apartment, but is still working on the farm. Please pray for them as they start the next chapter of their lives, I am sure they would like that.

Karissa, JayAnn, and us helping Jennae at her flower farm

These are just a few examples of the many people who are part of the cloud of witnesses from the farm. Whenever we're together, people are always speaking life and glorifying God (usually outside in nature). So I just wanted to say thank you to our farm friends, thank you for witnessing to us in every way, and for always being there for us. 

God Bless, 


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