Favorite Stories from "The Gospel of Matthew" by Cameron

Hi! In this blog post I am going to tell you about some of my favorite stories in the gospel of Matthew, in honor of him, because it's his feast day today. If you didn't know, St. Matthew is believed to have written the first of the four new testament gospels. 

Matthew 4:1-12 The Temptation of Jesus

So, I really like this one, because I like the way that Jesus sort of " Thrusts and parries" with the devil. The devil is obviously trying to get Jesus to do what he says, and they both know that Jesus can do it. But why would Jesus do what the devil said? By not doing it, Jesus is just showing him how pure and without pride he is.

How many times in our life do we try to resist the devil and not give into temptation? We should all at least try to follow Jesus' example because that's what will get us to Heaven. Fun fact: the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke are the only two gospels that specify the temptation of Jesus. 

           In this one, the devil is attempting to tempt Jesus, and Jesus is like, "Na I'm good man"
Matthew 6:25-34
Honestly, this has one of my favorite bible verses. I even did a blog post just about this verse, so I won't dwell to long on it.

I feel like in the world we live in, pretty much everyone worries. I think that Jesus is mostly talking to us, who sometimes have pretty silly worries, rather than more poorer people, who have actual serious worries. And I am not saying that we don't have serious worries, I am just saying that poorer people, or those facing hardships, more so. 

So maybe we can try to worry less, and pray more. We can bring all of our worries to the Lord. And if you take time to read the whole verse through, it all makes a lot of sense. Couldn't have said it better myself, Jesus. :-)

Matthew 14:13-21

*BREAKING NEWS*: Jesus can work miracles! It is pretty self-explanatory! It has a lot going on with the fish, and the loaves, and the boat. It is definitely one of my favorite stories in this gospel. Just imagine the look on the peoples faces! Also, did you notice it was 5,000 people - not including the women and children?! That's a lot of people!

I really like the art in this one
There are many other great stories and parables in this gospel, so I encourage you to find some of the stories that you like.

Also, If you have not watched the "The Chosen" episode where Jesus calls Matthew, I highly encourage watching it. It is very moving as nobody really liked Matthew, and I should stop spoiling...Anyway, it is great. Here's the link:

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! It really means a lot. Please pray for us, as we are praying for you!

God bless,

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