KOA Care Camps

Hi. In this post I want to tell you a little bit about a really cool organization I learned about recently, Care Camps by KOA. For those of you who don't know, KOA is an organization that has a bunch of campsites that you can camp at around the U.S.. The Care Camps program is a way for kids with cancer to get outdoors and do fun nature activities to help them live a life full of joy, even with their illness.

Backing up a little, this summer I was privileged to be able to go on a youth float trip (canoeing) with our friends, the Millsaps, plus some other kids. It was a great float trip and we all had a great time, but it got me thinking about those who aren't as privileged as some of us. After all, being outside in nature is one of God's greatest gifts to all of us, especially me, and especially when I get to have fun with my friends!

Before the float trip, Autumn, Cameron, and I decided that since we were spending money on ourselves to go on this float trip, we would earn and spend the same amount on others in need. Autumn donated to an organization helping victims of human trafficking, Cameron donated to our missionary friend in Peru, and that left me last. I had a lot of fun on the float trip, and I wanted to find an organization that would help other less fortunate kids have the same experience that I had. 

After researching and digging (as far as I could find, there are not a lot of organizations that do that type of thing) I found Care Camps by KOA. Score! KOA's mission is "To give joy, hope, and healing power of the outdoors to children with cancer and their families at a specialized oncology camp." Also, the first picture on the home page is of some boys in a canoe! I found what I wanted to donate to, for sure.

There are 125+ care camps all over the U.S. and Canada! There are some really great stories and testimonies on their website if you're interested. I love that they're helping kids get out of their life that seems to be constant worry and treatments for their cancer, and instead, replace it with the joy-filled outdoors.

So, if you happen to be an outdoor enthusiast reading this like I am, looking for somewhere to put your charity money, this just might be the answer! I'm very happy that I found this organization, and I hope many more like it will take after it, not just for cancer but also for kids in poverty. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to help with that someday!

God Bless


Care Camps by KOA

Paddling a rapid on the 2023 Youth Float Trip

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