A Cloud of Witnesses: Our Long Distance Friends by Gianna

Greetings! Today I'm excited to tell you about some of our friends that live far away in different states and how they witness to us.

The Coateses:

The Coateses used to live in our neighborhood and attend church with us. Our families have been friends for a long time. Recently they moved to Maryland, where their daughter, Abigail, is going to college.

One thing that I noticed about the Coates family whenever I went to their house is they had no T.V. Instead of watching T.V. and playing video games they would be spending time together. Whenever they had free time they would do things like practicing instruments, reading, and gardening.

Before they moved, seeing them at daily Mass was so nice, especially because Abigail was such a good friend to hang around. Not to mention, she was the only other kid who went to daily Mass. Most times we would stay after Mass for coffee and fellowship, and my siblings and I would talk with Abigail.

Abigail showed good character around us, and was very polite, pure, and modest. I never remember a time where Abigail was not inclusive to me, even though I was much younger. Her mom and dad have always thought about us, whether inviting us over for a playdate, or giving us a call and catching up. We usually made films while we were at their house.

Even though they moved, we still try to keep in touch as much as we can, either by calling, writing letters or emails to each other, and visiting each other. They still are great friends.

Mr. Jonathan:

Mr. Jonathan owns a restaurant in Tennessee called Brother Juniper's, and I could do a whole trilogy about the amazing food, but that would not be very mission minded. 

When we go through Tennessee, we always stop there, and give Mr. Jonathan the heads up that were coming, and he will come and eat breakfast with us. Mr. Jonathan is Orthodox, and before we eat, he always prays for our family situation. And, he asks for updates.

Mr Jonathan's motto for his restaurant is "Food, family, and community." Every Christmas Brother Juniper's feeds the hungry with a free community meal. When people have asked Mr. Jonathan to build other Brother Juniper's, he has declined because he is concerned his principles for his restaurant probably wouldn't be kept. 

Something else we have in common with Mr. Jonathan is that he and his wife also homeschooled their children, who now run the restaurant.

Aunt Sherri and Uncle James:

Aunt Sherri and her husband, Uncle James, aren’t actually related to us. My mom and Aunt Sherri met when they were teenagers, and they became best friends. They are like sisters.

About fifteen years ago, Aunt Sherri discovered that she had breast cancer. She was an amazing and inspiring fighter, and thanks be to God, she is cancer free.

Aunt Sherri and her sister started a business making bracelets to raise money for those who have cancer, but not any finances for treatment. Recently, she had just gotten a $5,0000 grant, and was trying to decide who to give it to, when she met a man with cancer, who was sad and lonely. She spent time talking to him and comforting him, reminding him that God was always with him no matter what. She ended up giving him the $5,000 dollar grant.

Aunt Sherri and Uncle James have been there for us these past few years when we've had a very difficult time with our family situation, and have supported us through it all.

Recently, my mom surprised Aunt Sherri for her birthday by flying to Chicago to be with her, via Uncle James. Then, Uncle James surprised them both by scheduling a day for them to have girl time together. When my mom left, Uncle James had slipped a nice note and money for the plane ticket back in my mom's bag.

These are people who have shared the love of Jesus with us, and have inspired us to do the same. Please note that these people are only a FEW of the people we wish to express our gratitude to. I know I say that every time, but I just wanted to make the point clear, because I don't want anyone to feel left out. God has definitely blessed us with friends from all over who witness to us and support us. 

Thank you so much for reading this post!

God Bless,


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