A Cloud of Witnesses: My Brother Tyler by Gianna

If any of you guys grew up in a big family like mine, then you probably know what siblings are like. Sometimes they can be nice to you, or sometimes they can be kind of mean... you get it. As you probably know, a lot of my life has been spent without my dad. So, being the youngest of 7, I especially looked up to my oldest brother, Tyler, as a father figure. Tyler’s birthday is coming up soon so I thought I could do a blogpost about him, and how he has been such a blessing as a brother to me. (And yes, he definitely deserves a whole blogpost about him, as do many other people.)

Like I said, some siblings can be kind…or sometimes mean. If any of my siblings had done something mean to me, I would go straight to Tyler, because he would seek to understand me, instead of laughing at what my siblings did to me, or ignoring me. Tyler would also in his free time play games with me, and something that we like to do together is reading to each other.


Tyler was especially good at trying to include me in things. If he was playing a game with other siblings, he would invite me to play, or teach me how. Tyler has always supported what I like to do, like drawing, writing, or anything else. He also would teach me different kinds of instruments, give me piano lessons, or just teach me basic chords.


Tyler is a role model of braveness (sometimes). Like the time when Tyler and I were at the beach, and had gone out in the water a good way, and had encountered jellyfish/stingrays. Moral of the story is, I was too scared to swim back to shore for fear of getting stung, so Tyler carried me back on his shoulders. At that time, he reminded me of Saint Christopher.


Tyler is also a role model to me in his faith. I remember a time where he had come back for a break (from college or seminary I think) and in the morning he would pray Morning Prayer, and soon I joined him. Tyler also works at a Catholic church as a music director, and has previously used his music talents to write songs about God and Mary. He also encourages me to pray daily, and to go to God and talk to him when I am sad or lonely.


To Tyler: Thank you so much for being there when I need you, and understanding me always. Thank you for being a role model to me, and comforting me when I most need it. Thank you for teaching me instruments, and playing with me. Thanks for all you do for me as a big brother.

HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Gianna


Thank you all for reading this blog post, and I hope you enjoy it. Have a good day!


God Bless,


Tyler and me when I was a baby

Tyler and me playing patty-cake

Tyler playing with me/protecting me at a water park

Tyler and me reading together when I was younger

Tyler and me at Millsap Farm Pizza Night

Tyler opening his Christkindl present from me

 Tyler giving me a drum lesson

See? Even goats love Tyler!

Tyler reading to me recently

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