Thankful on Thanksgiving by Cameron

Happy Thanksgiving! In this blog post, I am going to tell you some things I am grateful for and a couple bible verses that I like on gratitude. As Christians, we are all called to be grateful for the things around us. I'll begin with these bible verses following.

1. "In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This one's a classic. You will probably hear and see this one a lot. The main importance of it to me is the "In all circumstances" part. That means to be thankful, always. This can be challenging to me, especially when life is running smoothly. But I can also kind of forget to be grateful in hard times. For example, I could get mad about doing bad on a math test, but what I should do is give thanks that I have an education, am able to be homeschooled, have siblings to tutor me, etc. So maybe you can try to give thanks in difficult times too.

2. "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God."

- Philippians 4:6-7

This one's good too. It is saying that when we ask God something through prayer, we should first say some things that we are grateful for. For example, if I am praying for sick loved ones, I can thank God for their being in my life or how they are an impact in my life. And not just then, but in every situation. So yeah, give thanks.

So, that being said, I would like to share with you my "Top 5 Things That I Am Grateful For." This was, to say, very hard to decide as I am grateful for so many things, but these are the big ones.

#1. My faith 

I am super grateful to be able to be a Christian and to be able to know and love God. I really don't think I could get through life especially being who I am without God. I am exited to grow deeper into my faith as I get older and for all of God's love for me.

#2. My family 

I am so blessed to have a household full of (usually) amazing people. I am so loved by my family, but they kind of feel like a part of me. Sometimes, tensions arise, but they are resolved and we go back to try to be a joyful family.

#3. My friends 

I have such an amazing group of crazy, like-minded Christian friends who are always there for me. I go to them if I need a laugh or two, and they are always "sharin' 'n' carin'," and they are really great people. God has blessed me with friends of all ages, near and far, who are great people to be around.

Just a quick note: if I didn't make myself clear, this list could go on for miles. So don't judge on this next one...

#4. Food/water

Yummy Yummy

We should all be grateful for this. (especially today, hehehe)  As nourishment for our bodies, food is important in our daily life. I have also seen how so many people don't have food or even clean water. I am blessed to be able to work at our friends' farm, where I can eat a lot of really healthy food.

#5. Shelter/transportation/clothing 

(Our car was actually stuck in this picture but we are thankful that someone towed us out)

I had to kind of cram these together in one thing. I personally acknowledge that many, many people don't have these things. I have learned even from going on miscellaneous mission trips that these things are a big thing to have and own. Anyway, I am super grateful.

Anyway, I hope that this blog post inspires you to find things to be grateful for in your daily lives. I hope that you enjoyed reading this blog post and that you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

God bless,


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