The Octave of Christmas by Cameron

Hi! In this blog post, I am going to tell you about the Christmas Octave that most of you know about, but many don't. I know that everybody is probably going crazy with Christmas preparations, so I will keep it short. Here it is!

First of all, we'll start with the basics. Advent is four weeks long (ish) and after those four weeks we have Christmas Eve, and then Christmas. Then we have the Twelve Days of Christmas. But better than that, we have the Octave of Christmas.

The Octave of Christmas is (including Christmas) 8 days of literally Christmas. Like, you are supposed to celebrate each day as Christmas in the Catholic faith. That means that we sing the Gloria at Mass each day, we are supposed to feast a bunch, and we don't fast on Friday. So the Octave is from Christmas day to January 1st.

You may also be wondering, "Why is Christmas Day December 25th?'. Well, I'll tell you why. It is because The Annunciation (March 25th), the day we celebrate that Mary conceived Jesus, is exactly 9 months before Christmas day. So that's why we celebrate Christmas then.

After the Christmas Octave, you later have Epiphany (the feast celebrating when the magi came to Jesus and gave him gifts). That is on January 6th, and is technically when the Christmas season is over. That is also when we take down our tree, miscellaneous decor, etc. And then it is Ordinary Time for a bit.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and that you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and Christmas Octave. Please pray for us, as we pray for all of you.

God bless, and Merry Christmas!


8 Feasts Celebrated During the Octave of Christmas - The Station of the  Cross

Twelve Days of Christmas

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