Christmas Week by Gianna

Hello! In this blogpost I will be sharing about our Christmas week. Before I get started, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and are having a blessed New Year. I also hope you enjoy this blog post!

On Christmas Eve, we invited friends over for dinner/fellowship to celebrate Jesus’ birth. It was fun to have over 20 people in our house, most of them kids around my and my siblings age. After dinner, we went caroling around the neighborhood, and I think we made the day of some of the elderly people who we sung to. That was really fun, but I think we got a little too slap happy.

After caroling, we went back to our house, where we did some praise and worship, and tried to get our broken tv on, to put on The Star for the little kids. Great movie, I might even have to do a blogpost about it. Even my older siblings enjoy it (I think), and my mom especially does.

Some of our friends with little kids went home, while some of the older kids stayed the night, and also went to Midnight Mass with us. Another family, who had had not been able to make it to the party, joined us for Midnight Mass. It was great to have our friends at Mass. There were 22 of us! I think I also made a record of staying awake for the whole Mass for one of the first times!

We came home around 1:00 a.m and I was fast asleep by 1:30. It was nice that we had gone to Mass already, so we got to sleep in. On Christmas, we ate breakfast with our friends who stayed the night. After they were picked up, we opened stockings (even Digory, our dog got one!), and spent the rest of the day relaxing, and spending family time together. We were waiting to do Christkindl gifts (see previous posts if you don’t know what that is) after my older brother, Tyler came.

The next day (Dec 26), my mom and brother, Carson, went to pick up my brother Tyler, from Bellville Illinois. When Carson and Mom came home with Tyler that night, we did Christkindle. Tyler drew me, and made me a binder full of music demonstrations - different chords, strumming patterns etc. He also included a Scottish whistle and taught me how to play Concerning Hobbits and Yurgen’s Tune.

While Tyler was with us, we got to spend a lot of family time together, go to daily Mass and Holy Hours, watch a couple movies, prepare meals, play rip stick wars (don’t ask what that is), and play outside. But overall, the best part of the Christmas week was celebrating Jesus, spending family time with each other, and having no school.

I hope you have a blessed 2024!


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