Daily Devotionals by Cameron

Hi! In this blogpost, I am going to tell you a little about our daily devotionals that we do. Many sources talk about why it is important to start your day with God. So that is what we have been doing even before I was born. So here I will go into more detail.

Every morning when we wake up, the first thing that we do (after praying and offering up our day to God) is read a page of our devotional. We usually have our own devotional, but in some cases two siblings share one devotional. These devotionals are small books with daily readings.

These daily readings sometimes have different stories, quotes, parables, or Scripture, depending on the devotional, and usually a meditation. They help me personally to grow closer to God, but to also grow in virtue. This way, I can start my day by reading something wholesome and good. It's like food for thought to sustain me throughout the day.

This all being said, I would like to share with you pictures of our current devotionals. Maybe this blog post inspires you to read a daily devotional if you don't already! And if I forgot to mention, we get a different devotional every year. Thank you for reading this blogpost! Here they are!

This is Giannas devotional. She has a subscription, so she gets one every three months. 

This is my mother's devotional. Some of you may already know about this, and I hear that it is a great book. My mom recommends!

This is Carson and my devotional. It actually goes with a bible that we own called The Catholic Youth Bible. It is devotional meditations for teens.

This is Autumn's devotional. It includes daily readings from C.S Lewis's works.

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