Ordinary Time by Carson

Right now, those of us who are Catholics are in what we call Ordinary Time, the time in between the "major" liturgical seasons like Advent, Lent, Christmas, and Easter. Many feel that this time can be mundane, and can feel like Bore-dinary Time sometimes, but today I'm writing a little bit about how it really is just as important as the other seasons.

Lent is about preparing for Easter, Easter is about Jesus' Resurrection. Advent is about preparing for Christmas, and Christmas is about Jesus' birth. So what is Ordinary Time for then? With all those seasons being so busy, Ordinary Time is a time of peace, and a time to grow in our relationship with Jesus, strengthen the roots of our faith, and dive deeper into the joy of the Eucharist. The color green (the liturgical color of Ordinary Time) also makes me think of abundant plant growth, a symbol of our own spiritual growth.

And to emphasize the fact that it's just as important as the other seasons, here's an interesting fact. Ordinary Time is actually named for the use of Ordinal numbers (First, Second, Third...) to name the Sundays (First Sunday of Ordinary Time, etc), not because it's a less important time than the other seasons.

Ways to celebrate Ordinary Time:

- Increase time in prayer

- Increase time in Scripture

- Spend time in nature

- Go on a retreat

- Work on growing in virtue

As you can see, it's important that we have a season to rest, and Ordinary Time gives us just that!

- Carson

Spiritually speaking, 'Ordinary Time' is anything but | Crux

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