Some Things I've Learned From My Big Brother Carson by Cameron

Hello! In this blog post, I am going to tell you some things that I've learned from my older brother, Carson. Carson is graduating (a year early) this weekend as class of 2024. Some of you may have noticed that Gianna did a post about Autumn when she graduated, so I am doing one about Carson. 

Carson has taught me different ways to use my hands. Whether it's learning a new song from him on guitar, woodworking, gardening, or building things, Carson has shown me how. And to me, using my hands is definitely an important thing, especially if I decide later in life to pursue a trade of some sorts. These are also just great skills for helping my family and others.

He has also taught me to not give up easily. For example, we went on a camping trip recently. A couple miles down on a trail to a waterfall, we found ourselves semi-lost in the woods, and it was getting dark. Instead of turning around and trekking back to the campsite, he persisted, and got us to the waterfall and back to our campsite before dark.

Another example of Carson's persistence is that he wanted to start a garden. But, because we're in the process of selling our house, he wasn't able to dig garden beds or anything in the ground. So, he decided to make his garden in buckets and empty feedsacks. And right now, that "garden" is looking pretty darn nice.

Carson also taught me to be adventurous. Whether it's trying a new food, learning new instruments, or starting a new project, he is always ready to try new things. Trying new things is something that he has also taught me. And, whether the new thing is disgusting, sketchy or scary, it's usually fun.

Another thing I've learned from him is to love the outdoors. Sometimes it's leading us on a long hike (not usually getting us lost), hopping in a kayak on a whitewater creek, climbing trees, foraging, and eating "edible" plants. 

Just the other day he went into the woods behind our house to get some wild honeysuckle for homemade ice cream. When he came back, his face was absolutely peppered with mosquito bites, but he didn't care. The ice cream was delicious (Note: It doesn't always turn out this way, like the time he made prickly pear cactus burritos for dinner and we slept in hammocks and I threw up in the middle of the night and had a 103+ fever...Eat foraged foods in moderation).

Most importantly, he has taught me to love God. One example of this is his readiness to wake up at 6 a.m. to serve at Mass and then afterwards go to a Holy Hour. He also has amazing morals, which is shown in his choice of books he reads, the things he talks about, and just what he spends his time doing. A last example is his encouragement of prayer. Carson will always be wanting us to do a family rosary together, and he also is the one who willingly leads us in the rosary, night prayer, etc. every evening.

These were just a few examples of the things Carson has taught me. He has been a great role model to me and many others. I hope you enjoyed reading this blogpost!

And Carson, congrats and thanks. 

Teetering on the edge of a sheer 300+ foot cliff. What can I say.

Us looking at the beautiful promised waterfall

A flourishing garden

More garden

This and the next picture seems like adventure to me!

" "

Don't even ask me why he's holding a baby squirrel in his flannel pocket.

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