Our SEAS Commissioning Mass by Cameron
Hi! In this blog post, I am going to tell you a little bit about our Commissioning Mass Ceremony that we had recently. It was a really nice thing to send us out before we moved to the mission base. It also made me and my family feel pretty special and recognized, which we really appreciated.
Presiding at the Mass for us was Fr. Kiefer and Fr. Reidy. They are both two really great priests, and we were really honored by the things they said about our family during the Mass.
For the music for the Mass, our brother, Tyler, flew in from Florida so that he could do it for us. He did great, and we were able to pick hymns such as "Lord You Give the Great Commission," "Be Not Afraid," "Be Thou My Vision," and "Go Make of All Disciples." All of those seemed very appropriate, for our Missionary Commissioning Mass.
Carson and I were able to be the altar servers for the Mass, which was also really nice. Our friend, Damien, was also able to be there to be our third server.
The Mass proceeded as usual, until we got to the actual Commissioning Ceremony, right after the homily. Fr. Reidy talked about the importance of missionaries and about how proud he was of us. Fr. Reidy then gave us a very nice, heartfelt blessing for our missionary journeys. We were gifted a certificate of being missionaries recognized by the diocese too, which was very special to us.
Following the Mass, we had a reception that our Parish Council of Catholic Women organized for us and Q and A session that went really well. After that, we ended the night with some praise and worship.
All in all, the Mass was such a nice event that blended blessings, goodbyes, and fellowship together. I really enjoyed being there, and receiving those different blessings.
As some of you know, we moved to the FMC mission base in Louisiana and started training this week! We did have a three-day disruption due to a hurricane threat, but we are all safe (praise God!) and are getting settled.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and thank you so much especially all of our mission partners for all the support and prayers that most of you guys have been giving. Please continue to pray for us, especially on this next part of our journey!