And Our Mission Post Is... by Carson
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Some of you may have heard the news already, but for those who haven't...
We're going to Costa Rica!
It has been quite the discernment to get to this point, but we're very happy with this outcome! Originally, FMC gave us four mission posts to pray about and pick from.
The choices were Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, and Trinidad/Tobago. After praying some, we decided that unless we were shown differently, we could rule out Trinidad for our family as the other posts seemed to be a better fit.
These three are all really really cool posts, so the decision between them was a hard one. I felt the most peace with Costa Rica from the start, but Mom said she has strong feelings and affirmations towards Peru. So, originally, Peru was our first choice.
As time went by though, doors closed for Peru. It wasn't explained too well, at least to me, but the point was that it wasn't an option anymore.
At that point, we picked Costa Rica over Mexico. Though we love Mexico through and through, Costa Rica seemed a better choice for our family because of the dynamics and environment there.
We are very excited to be going back to Costa Rica; some of you might remember we did a mission trip/vacation there a few years ago and absoulutely loved it. Please pray for us as we move foward with this exciting news; right now we're working on flights and such.
Thanks for reading and God Bless!