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Mission Partners, Moving, and Memories by Gianna

Hey everybody! Since our last update, I am very happy to report that we are almost fully funded for our mission, thanks to the generous donations and prayers of our friends and mission partners! (That means many of you guys reading this post). [Mom note: If you have pledged financial support, but have not yet set up your giving, we would love for you to do it now, so we can add you to our team of mission partners. We will also continue to schedule short appointments (in-person or via Zoom) through August to share our ministry, since we won’t be able to do that once we’re in the field - so please reach out if you're interested! We are excited to give everyone we can the opportunity to be a part of our team, in order to help us serve the poor and take the gospel to the ends of the earth - which will also ensure ongoing support for our mission and maximize its fruitfulness.] Some of you may also know that we have officially sold/closed on our house as of Friday 6/28! The two weeks

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